  • Conversations on Practice with Ranjit Kandalgaonkar

Mumbai based artist and researcher Ranjit Kandalgaonkar presents his ongoing project Modelled Recycled Systems looking at the expanded ecologies of the shipping industry, in particular, the complex and layered space of the ship breaking yard in South Asia. Modelled Recycled Systems is a long-term project recording ship-breaking, its material waste ecologies and associated labour practices with a particular focus on the Alang Ship-breaking yard in India.  These facets of ship breaking are looked at in the context of increasing attention on the environmental and human impact of the global shipping industry, which has until recently remained largely occluded.  Iterations of Modelled Recycled Systems have been showcased at the second Bergen Assembly Triennial in Norway and the 2019 edition of Colomboscope in Sri Lanka, the presentation of which was co-produced by Art Jamel.

Ranjit Kandalgaonkar is an artist and urbanist. His city-related projects include those that map vulnerability within redevelopment strategies of urbanisation such as ‘cityinflux’,‘Gentricity’,‘Stories of Philanthropic Trusts’ or speculative histories of reclamation and lost flora/fauna in projects such as ‘Isles Amidst Reclamation‘ and ‘Seven Isles Unclaimed‘. His grant and awards include Majlis Visual Arts Fellowship, U.D.R.I Architectural Fellowship, Leverhulme Trust Artist Residency, SAI Harvard University Artist residency, a Wellcome Trust Seed Award, and the Gasworks artist residency.


