Talk: Short Circuits – with Vikram Divecha

Marking the preview opening of Short Circuits, join us for a conversation with artist Vikram Divecha in light of his debut survey exhibition.

In dialogue with Art Jameel’s Dawn Ross, Head of Collections, and Lucas Morin, Curator, the conversation will engage with Divecha’s work over the past ten years, granting the audience an opportunity to hear firsthand about the artist’s interests, processes and treatment of the UAE’s urban spaces in his practice.

Vikram Divecha is a Beirut-born artist who grew up in Mumbai and is based in the UAE. He holds an MFA in Visual Art from Columbia University and was a participant in the Whitney Museum’s Independent Study program. His work has been exhibited regionally and internationally at the 57th Venice Biennale’s UAE National Pavilion UAE, the 13th Sharjah Biennial, the Louvre Abu Dhabi, the Centre of Contemporary Art (Warsaw) and The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts (New York). He currently teaches as an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Art and Art History at the New York University Abu Dhabi.

Artist headshot courtesy of New York University Abu Dhabi.



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Vikram Divecha: Short Circuits

February 1, 2024 - June 15, 2024
