  • Film: Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival by Fabrizio Terranova

Donna Haraway: Story telling for earthly survival (2016, 90’)

Story telling for earthly survival
is a playful portrait of pioneering and influential theorist and scholar Donna Haraway, best known for her work on gender, animal-human relationships, and most recently for her work around re-thinking our relationship to earth and its inhabitants in light of a changing climate and the sixth mass extinction. Through engaging and humorous storytelling coupled with surreal visual effects, we are drawn into the mind and world of Haraway, where we are given first-hand insights into the ideas and experiences that formed the basis of her seminal works, as well as an introduction to her most recent and ongoing occupation, rethinking how ‘critters’, or all those that inhabit the earth, can create new forms of living together for mutual survival.


Fabrizio Terranova (b.1971) Lives and works in Brussels, Belgium.

Terranova is a film-maker and dramaturge. He teaches at erg (École de recherche graphique) in Brussels, where he launched and co-runs the master’s programme in Récits et expérimentation/Narration spéculative (Narrations and experimentation/ Speculative narration). His films include Josée Andrei, An Insane Portrait (2010), an experimental documentary that was later turned into a book published by Les Editions du Souffle. He is also a founding member of DingDingDong – an institute to jointly improve knowledge about Huntington’s disease.

