Sara Sadik: They will end up in ravines

Sara Sadik: They will end up in ravines

Artist Sara Sadik uses video games, science fiction, everyday life and French rap music to write coming-of-age stories. Her video works stage young men facing challenges and striving to achieve moral and physical transformation. Her multi-screen installation Ils finiront dans des ravins (They will end up in ravines) is inspired by video gaming arenas. Over a series of game-like missions, the protagonists invent their ideal society and devise ways to protect their environment. Through their words, which reveal their hopes and anxieties, Sara Sadik reflects on systems of coercion while depicting how self-love and community love invigorate resistance to oppression and social exclusion.

Sara Sadik, Ils finiront dans des ravins (They will end up in ravines), 2022.
Five-channel video installation, sound (French), English subtitles, 10’32’’, inflatable, print on vinyl.
Commissioned for the 16th Lyon Biennale in collaboration with Art Jameel.

Sara Sadik (b. 1994) is an artist living and working in Marseille. She obtained a master’s degree from the Bordeaux School of Fine Arts in 2018. Sadik’s works have been shown at MACRO Museum, Roma; Matadero, Madrid; Sadie Coles HQ, London; Gladstone Gallery, New York; Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin; Biennale de Lyon; and Palais de Tokyo, Paris. Sara Sadik is represented by Crèvecoeur, Paris. In 2023, her project Xenon Palace will be on view during solo shows at Basement Roma and Kunsthalle Lissabon, and during L’Almanach 23 at Le Consortium, Dijon.

