Workshop: White Page Anxiety

This workshop will be led in Arabic. Please visit the Arabic page to register.

In this workshop, participants develop their creative writing skills in Arabic Language. The sessions are led by writer Husam Hilali. The workshop is shaped to encourage and develop the practice of both beginner and developing writers in mind (ages 18+).

The workshop is based on author Ross Raisin’s writing guide, while also accommodating excerpts of literary works and in session discussions. The workshop includes open ended writing exercises and unfolds over three sessions, each at three hours long. Sessions are organised to allow for theoretical, applied and practical knowledge. 

Throughout the workshop, participants will address genres of literary works, contemporary writing approaches and obstacles in writing as they develop their ideas into a literary work.

Husam Hilali is a Sudanese writer based in Dubai. Hilali has worked as a journalist in addition to working in theatre and television as a writer and producer. He has published two collections of short stories, as well as an unpublished book of poetry that received the Osama Danasory Award for Poetry in 2018.



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