Collective Translation Workshop – Françoise Vergès, Programme de désordre absolu

In this workshop, participants work together to translate from French to English a single chapter from Françoise Vergès’ new book on decolonising museums, Programme de désordre absolu : Décoloniser le musée (La Fabrique, 2023). Through this process, participants will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the text and challenge conventional notions of language expertise.

In Programme de désordre absolu, Vergès uses the history of the Louvre as a starting point to explore ideas of universality, heritage, and display. She highlights past unsuccessful attempts to reform so-called universal museums and proposes new approaches for reinventing these contested institutions.

The collaborative translation process encourages participants to open up new meanings and interpretations, fostering a sense of community and collaboration across language barriers.

The session is led in French and English by Lucas Morin, Exhibitions Curator at Jameel Arts Centre. The session is open to beginners and experts in languages. Participants are encouraged to contribute their unique perspective to the discussion and translation.

Registration is required, as space is limited. Please register via the RSVP button.



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